Analysis III

Here is the official web page of Analysis III for math students.

Time and place: Monday 12-1 in H0.51, Tuesday 3-4 in H0.51, and Thursday 11-12 in H0.51.

Support classes: Tue 12-1 in H5.45 (Jake Dunn), Tue 2-3 in B1.01 (Matt Dunlop), Thu 1-2 in B3.02 (Oliver Dunbar), Fri 12-1 in B3.01 (Giannis Moutsinas).
Please SIGN UP here for one of these support classes!

Assessment: Three-hour examination (85%), assignments (15%).

Handwritten lecture notes: by Oleg Zaboronski are available from his web page.

Assignments: To be posted on Mondays, due the following Monday 3pm in the designated box opposite the Math Undergraduate Office.

Assignment 1, due 3pm Monday 13 October.
Assignment 2, due 3pm Monday 20 October.
Assignment 3, due 3pm Monday 27 October.
Assignment 4, due 3pm Monday 3 November.
Assignment 5, due 3pm Monday 10 November.
Assignment 6, due 3pm Monday 17 November.
Assignment 7, due 3pm Monday 24 November.
Assignment 8, due 3pm Monday 1 December.