Entropy and the Quantum - Tucson, Arizona, March 16-20, 2009 |
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Entropy and the QuantumA school on analytic and functional inequalities with applicationsTucson, Arizona, March 16-20, 2009 |
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The school will consists of four main lectures: Quantum Physics from Zero by Jan Wehr (University of Arizona) Trace Inequalities and Quantum Entropy by Eric Carlen (Rutgers University) Quantum Entropy in Condensed Matter and Information Theory by Bruno Nachtergaele (University of California, Davis) Inequalities for Schrodinger Operators and Applications by Robert Seiringer (Princeton University) The full program can be found here. This school is supported by the NSF and the University of Arizona. Prospective participants: our budget has dried up and we cannot provide support for new applicants any more. We will be happy to provide invitation letters in order to help secure money elsewhere, however. Questions can be emailed to the organizers, Robert Sims (rsimsdrb@gmail.com) and Daniel Ueltschi (daniel@ueltschi.org). |
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